A project in Europe called LIVES: Litter Free Rivers and Streams, is tackling the problem of plastic waste in cross-border rivers and streams — and they’ve already collected 260,000kgs of waste!
Meet Micheal Mobbs, aka ‘the off-grid guy’, who’s proved that a regular inner-city home can be disconnected from the grid and that it’s possible for almost anyone!
Located in the Royal Botanical Gardens, this zero-waste bar is super groovy with a mix of bright colours and shapes — a fun way to relax and enjoy a drink, the sustainable way!
The 87 square-metre ‘Future Food System’ is a self-sustaining, zero waste, certified organic, productive house that provides shelter, produces all of its own food and generates energy!
There will soon be a framework for a four wheelie bin system in the state of Victoria to enable residents to recycle pizza boxes and soft plastics, with the addition of a new purple bin specifically for glass!
These transparent solar panels look like clear glass and let light through like regular windows, yet they invisibly generate renewable energy from sunlight to power your home!
A Dutch designer has created a lamp that uses a living plant to generate its own electricity – and plans to scale up the technology to power entire cities!