Our 3 Favourite Eco Hacks!

Jul 16, 2021by Gabby - F&F

If you're on your sustainable journey, you've probably already nailed all your eco swaps and are wondering what you can do next... Simply, take a look around! Before you throw something away, have a little think about how you might be able to reuse or repurpose it first.

Eco Hacks are great because it allows us to do just this. We look at something we already have and think about it in a different way. Making these changes is all about being mindful and more environmentally friendly where we can. We're always learning and there is always new ways, trends and ideas about how we can do better. As a community, it is important we share these ideas with each other, because odds are, if you've thought of it, it's almost guaranteed that someone else was wanting a solution too. 

So we thought we would share with you our 3 favourite eco hacks that you can try out, right in the comfort of your home. These are things you should already have lying around, so it's not about buying new, it's about preserving what we already have. Not only are these hacks good for the environment, but your wallet will be thanking you too.

Grow Seeds At Home In A Toilet Roll Pot

This eco hack, is perfect for those wanting to get started on their home gardening journey, but it's also great for those wanting to commit to something little and easy to maintain. 

A simple way to start planting seeds, is by planting them in folded up toilet rolls.

To do this:

  1. Cut 4 evenly spaced slits on one end of the roll, roughly 1 inch long.
  2. Fold the flaps flat so they cross over each other.
  3. Now you can cut the height to size, fill up the tube with soil, and plant your seeds.
DIY Banana Peel FertiliserDIY Banana Peel Fertiliser

DIY Banana Peel Plant Fertiliser

We all know that banana peels can be composted, but why not take them one step further and use them to make a plant fertiliser?
We've seen this fun little eco hack all over TikTok and we think you will love it!
To create the fertiliser:
  1. Simply add a few banana peels to a jar of water and let it sit for about 3 days. The peels will release potassium which your plants will love!
  2. Then, water your plants with this nutrient-rich water
  3. And, compost your peel at the end!
It's that easy!
We love multipurposed items, and this hack is a perfect example of looking at banana peels in a different way, to get the most out of their use.
Preserve FoodPreserve Food

Preserve Your Carrots and Celery For Double The Amount Of Time By Storing Them In Water

About 2.5 million tonnes of food waste is thrown into Australian landfill every year.

Carrots and celery last up to 2 weeks in the fridge, but if you submerge them in water and store them in the fridge, that lifespan doubles to about a month!
If you like ease and no food waste, this eco hack is a no brainer.
To preserve your other fruit and veggies, check out Cuisena Kitchen Products. This eco friendly brand sells fresh keeper's that are super great for keeping food like lemons, tomatoes and avocados, fresher for longer. 

We hope you loved our eco hacks! 

We're always on the hunt for new and creative eco hacks, so if you have any tips or tricks, we would love to hear them! 

If you're feeling inspired, we think you will love reading the blogs below that are all about reusing materials to create something great!

Here's How Scientists Are Turning Food Scraps Into Building Materials

Junk Fest | The Town That Turns Trash Into Treasure

These Recycled Skateboard Wheels Are Made From... Chewing Gum!

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