Looking for effective laundry cleaning products that are both natural and eco-friendly? Look no further than Down Under Wash Co. Their Aussie made products contain no nasties and work as the ultimate multi-purposed laundry products — not only removing tough stains, but being a softener, cleaner and laundry enhancer too!
These 4-in-1 cleaning products works their magic on all kinds of stains! We know no two stains are the same, so we're sharing some tips and tricks to help you out, with anything you may face!
Keep reading to find out how to make the magic happen.
We love seeing brands come up with new and inventive ways to use period care products that differ from traditional methods, which often end up in landfill. Brands like Modibodi, Love Luna and Hannahpad are changing the game when it comes to having our period. They are proving how effective it is to reuse Period Underwear or Reusable Cloth Pads to benefit our environment. To help keep these reusables long-lasting, they need to be cleaned well. This is where Down Under Wash Co comes in.
- First and foremost, remove dry blood under cold water.
- Treat stain with the Fragrance Free Laundry Soap & Stain Remover Bar (soak for 30 mins) before washing.
- When washing, on top of your regular washing product, add 2tsp of the Stain Remover Powder to further assist removing stains and allow for fabric softening and an enhanced wash.
Who am I? I don't smell but I remove them. I am the Frangrance Free Laundry Bar. What's worse than smelling is having a sweat mark there too. But don't worry, let's clean your clothes up.
- Begin by rinsing under warm water to remove excess or dry sweat.
Use the Laundry Bar to create a lather over the stinky area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
Rinse with warm water and lather again before washing.
- Again, use your regular washing product and add 2 tsp of the Stain Remover Powder for an enhanced washing finish.

Image: Canva
Oil & Fat
Have you ever been cooking in the kitchen and out of nowhere a splash of oil or fat gets you? Happens all the time. If your apron wasn't lucky enough to save your clothes, you can treat these fresh stains & odours with the Sweet Orange Laundry Bar & Stain Remover.
- Start by removing any excess oil or fat (use paper towel to absorb).
Create a lather over the stained area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
Use your regular washing product and add 2 tsp of the Stain Remover Powder to wash.
Did you know that these Laundry Bars can double up as a dish bar too? They are great for stripping away oils and fats!
Poo & Urine
Looking for a pong killer or skiddy terminator, as the team at Down Under Wash Co would say? The Sweet Orange Laundry Bar is here to save the day!
Remove any excess poo. We know it's a smelly job but someones has to do it!
- Run cold water on on the stain.
Create a lather using the bar over the stained area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
- For heavy persistent stains use the Stain Remover Powder direct or as a soaker.
- As always, use your regular washing product and add 2 tsp of our Stain Remover Powder.
Follow the same process for urine.
Chocolate always seems to show up in the strangest places, but it's no wonder considering half the time we don't even realise we still have sticky chocolate hands.
Start by removing any excess or dry chocolate.
Turn over the garment and flush cold water through the underside of the stain until the water runs clear.
Turn over and flush again with cold water from the stained side.
Use the Sweet Orange Laundry Bar & Stain Remover to create a lather over the stained area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
- Of course then you're going to use your regular washing product and add 2 tsp of our Stain Remover Powder to wash.

Image: Canva
Dirt & Mud
No matter how many times you tell your kids to stay away from mud, something always seems to lure them in. With Down Under Wash Co Sweet Orange Laundry Bar & Stain Remover, why not embrace the mud fun, knowing you'll be able to get the stains out.
Remove any excess mud or dirt.
Turn over the garment and flush warm water through the underside of the stain until the water runs clear.
Turn over and flush again with warm water from the stained side.
Use the Laundry Bar & Stain Remover to create a lather over the stained area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
- Finally, use your regular washing product and add 2 tsp of our Stain Remover Powder to wash your garment.

Image: Canva
Whether it's your favourite sports jersey after a hard game of sport or a pair of shorts after diving for a try, rest assure any grass stains you acquire, will come out!
- Simply brush away an excess grass.
Turn over the garment and flush warm water through the underside of the stain until the water runs clear.
Treat fresh stains with the Sweet Orange Laundry Bar & Stain Remover and create a lather over the stained area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
- For dry stains use the Stain Remover Powder as a spray or as a soaker
When using as a spray treat the stain and rest for at least 30 minutes.
When soaking leave for a minimum of 1 hour to overnight for best results.
- Add 2 tsp of Stain Remover Powder and wash as normal.
As a new parent, we're sure you will be dealing with vomit left, right and center. So even if you forget to bib your baby, don't stress about them ruining their clothes - We're here to help you rid any stains!
Remove any excess vomit chunks or bits - yuck! We know it's not the best job.
Turn over the garment and flush warm water through the underside of the stain to remove any chunks and bits until the water runs clear.
Turn over and flush again with warm water.
Treat fresh stains with the Sweet Orange Laundry Bar & Stain Remover.
Create a lather over the stained area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
- Add 2tsp of Stain Remover Powder and wash as normal.
Tomato Sauce
Tomato sauce is just one of those things you can't seem to avoid. Take me for example, I don't even like tomato sauce and yet somehow I always end up with it on my clothes.
- Begin by scraping away any excess tomato sauce or dry bits.
Turn over the garment and flush warm water through the underside of the stain until the water runs clear.
- Repeat step 2.
Create a lather over the stained area and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
- Remember to add 2 tsp of our Stain Remover Powder and wash garment as normal.
The absolute takeaway message or magic advice as the Down Under Wash Co team would say, is: "treat the stain immediately or as soon as possible, making sure you use the appropriate water temperature." - Down Under Wash Co.
- Cold Pre-Wash = Blood, Poo, Chocolate, Urine
- Warm Pre-Wash = Sweat, Oil & Fat, Dirt & Mud, Grass, Vomit, Tomato Sauce
These magic Laundry Bars and Powder really help tackle the worst of stains, not to mention they are so multipurposed and double up as a dish cleaner too. You can shop the range of Down Under Wash Co here.
For more tips & tricks when it comes to eco cleaning, check out the blogs below: