Introducing Eco Tan Face Tan Water

Oct 15, 2015by Julie - F&F

Eco Tan brought us the wonderful Winter Skin and Invisible Tan to give our bodies that fabulous bronzed glow and now we have Eco Tan Face Tan Water to bronze our face. I've tested it for a week and I'm a bit of a fan; more about my thoughts here.


It's so easy to apply - one of the things I love about Eco Tan Face Tan Water is that it is so easy to apply. Many fake tan products are creamy and a thick moisturiser which is great for your body but far too thick and greasy for your face. Eco Tan have solved this issue by creating an amazing water to apply to your face. It goes on quickly and easily and is all you need so I haven't used a moisturiser whilst I've been using this. 

It doesn't streak - there was no streaking at all. I applied quickly without the use of a mirror and I had no streaky problems. That is a huge bonus. 

Build to the colour you want - the great thing about the water is that each application leaves a glow and you can build to get a more intense colour. Remember to leave a few hours for the colour to develop. 

It works, and sits, fantastically under make up - because it's a water it absorbs very easily so really easy to apply make up over it. 

It's organic, vegan and cruelty-free - what more can I say!

Anti ageing  - it's been formulated to be anti ageing so you can nourish your skin as you bronze.

Anti acne - if you have trouble with acne this formula helps. I would have loved this in my younger years to help with acne but also give my skin a glow which actually helps mask any blemishes. 

And finally I love the packaging and the price. The bottle is gorgeous and at $29.95, it's very affordable. 

My one tip for you - wash your hands after applying. I didn't and had very stained hands for a few days!

Enjoy! You can shop Face Tan Water and the full Eco Tan range here.

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