BOS Australia Is Rehabilitating & Releasing Orangutans Into The Forests Of Borneo

Jul 12, 2021by Olivia - F&F

If you’re looking for a piece of positive news today, this is it. 

After a lengthy and difficult rehabilitation process, Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) recently announced the successful release of seven orangutans into the beautiful forests of Borneo.

Amber, Barlian, Darryl, Randy, Reren, Suayap and Unggang — all aged between eight and twenty-two years old — were released into Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park to live in freedom!

BOS Orangutan Release In BorneoBOS Orangutan Release In Borneo

BOS Rescues, Rehabilitates & Releases Orangutans

Since 2016, BOS has rehabilitated and released 234 orangutans into Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park, in Borneo. Following the amazing release of ten rehabilitated orangutans in February, the release in June marks the 37th group of orangutans who have been successfully rehabilitated within Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre and released into the wild.

It was no easy feat! The seven orangutans were transported across land and rivers in the 20-hour journey to freedom. “To release another seven rehabilitated orangutans safely so soon after our February release – and still with COVID is an incredible achievement.” “The care and generosity of Australians has been key in making this second release possible said BOS Australia President, Tony Gilding

BOS Nyaru Menteng Orangutan RehabilitationBOS Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rehabilitation

Rescued Orangutans Attend Forest School!

So, why do the orangutans need rehabilitation before they’re released? Sadly, most of the rescued orangutans are orphaned from their mothers as babies, displaced from their home due to deforestation, or rescued from humans who exploited them for entertainment.

The majority of orangutans who enter the reintroduction programs — either at Nyaru Menteng in Central Kalimantan or Samboja Lestari in East Kalimantan — are still very young and vulnerable. To build up their social skills and forest survival skills, the experts at BOS teach the orangutans how to build nests, find food, and recognise natural predators. 

Prior to being released in the wild, the orangutans must pass ‘university.’ This assesses whether they’re ready to survive on their own. The rehabilitation process can last over a decade.

BOS Australia Suayap OrangutanBOS Australia Suayap Orangutan

Suayap’s Story

Suayap was one of the seven orangutans in the latest release. For seven years, Suayap was forced to perform like a human in boxing matches. Her cruel exploitation came to an end when she was rescued by BOS.

Along with 48 other orangutans, Suayap was repatriated from Thailand in 2006. All had been abused by humans for entertainment. She, along with just six others, were the only ones to complete the rehabilitation process and be returned to the wild. 

Many orangutans who spend years enduring this type of abuse cannot be rehabilitated to the level required to return to their natural habitat. “Suyap’s successful rehabilitation and release is a huge achievement for BOS globally, and a testament to the work done by the organisation."

BOS Australia Threats To OrangutansBOS Australia Threats To Orangutans

There are Still 16 Orangutans Waiting To Be Released! 

Orangutans are in danger of becoming extinct due to logging, mining, wildfires, road construction and illegal poaching. Over the past two decades, 80 per cent of habitable rainforest in Indonesia and Malaysia has been decimated, which has resulted in a 50 per cent decline of the orangutan population.

That’s why BOS Australia’s work is integral to the survival of the orangutan! Despite all the incredible achievements so far this year, there are still 16 rehabilitated orangutans in BOS’ care awaiting the funding required to be released.

BOS Australia needs our help to ensure that vulnerable orangutans are rescued, rehabilitated and released into their forever home. Head to BOS Australia’s website to see how you can help!

We’re so happy to hear that seven rehabilitated orangutans have been released into their forever home! BOS Australia’s work is vital to the survival of the orangutan — so let’s do everything that we can to help.

If you love inspiring stories like this, head to the Eco News category for more — or check out the stories below. 

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Images: BOS Australia

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