With the weather warming up, there’s no better time than now to participate in a beach clean-up event! Tangaroa Blue Foundation is calling on citizen scientists, schools, community groups, corporate groups, families and all ocean-lovers to participate in beach clean-up events over the Summer. Keep on reading to find out why these events are crucial to tackling marine pollution, and how your participation is helping to build the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database!

To Help Researchers Understand The Types Of Marine Debris
Keeping Australia’s beaches beautiful is up to us. By participating in one of Tangaroa Blue Foundation’s beach clean-up events, you’ll be helping to create an accurate picture of plastic pollution in Australia!
Each piece of litter collected at these beach clean-up events is grouped into several categories and sent to the AMDI Database. This includes Consumer Items, Packaging Items, Fishing Items, Remnants and Polystyrene Items — plus glass, ceramic, cloth, metal, paper, rubber and wood items.
“We’re seeking volunteers from all walks of life to get involved and help remove marine debris from the coast. We will collect data on what's found, then work on solutions to stop litter”.

To Develop Solutions To Plastic Pollution
The AMDI Database is the biggest marine debris database in the southern hemisphere! From 2004-2014, more than 2000 organisations and 150,000 citizen scientists participated in the AMDI via Tangaroa Blue Foundation’s beach clean-ups.
This active participation has been instrumental in a UNSW-led study, which found that 84% of the rubbish found along Australia’s beaches is plastic; around half of all marine debris came from land-based sources; and 42% could not be traced because the debris had broken down into microplastics.
“We need to be really targeted and strategic in what changes are put in place to mitigate marine debris, and we need to measure and monitor to make sure we are actually solving the problem, that’s where the data is going to be so critical."

To Protect Marine Life From Harm
Around 800 species worldwide, including 77 Australian species, are impacted by marine debris. That’s why the Tangaroa Blue Foundation — together with conservation partners, communities, organisations and individuals — are working hard to remove existing marine debris, stop the flow of litter into the ocean and reduce waste produced.
Casey Woodward said that although ocean pollution is a global problem, Australians taking action in their local area is helping to create change, keep our beaches beautiful, and protect our vulnerable marine life from harm. “Every piece of rubbish removed from the beach means less opportunity for marine animals to be impacted through ingestion or entanglement. The data that is collected also assists us to track litter to its source and create programs to change behaviour and stop rubbish at the source."
With your help, we can prevent marine pollution from ever occurring in the first place. So, will you participate in Tangaroa Blue Foundation’s beach clean-up events over the Summer? If you’re an ocean-lover with a few hours to spare, definitely check out the December calendar of beach clean-up events!
For more amazing clean-up initiatives and updates on single-use plastic bans, head to our Eco News category and check out the blogs below.
UK Beach Clean-Up Group Hosts Eye-Opening Plastic Waste Exhibition