You may know that specific teas have special healing abilities and are especially great for things like digestion, skin and sleep. We asked Naturopath, Mother and Love Tea founder, Emma Watson for her top tips on incorporating teas into your wellness routine. So if you love tea and are looking for ways to improve your digestive system, keep reading!

Everything is connected in the digestive system.
The digestive process is arguably the most important process of the human body. It manages the food we ingest, breaking it down so that nutrients can be converted into their simplest form for energy production, growth and repair. The digestive system is often referred to as the powerhouse of the body, as every single function of the human body requires energy.
As a naturopath, I recommend taking a holistic approach to your health, understanding that the health of each organ and each system has an influence on the overall state of wellbeing. Nothing works in isolation and everything is connected.
The effect the digestive system has on the rest of the body is extensive, and so it is hugely important to take care of the digestive system to ensure optimum overall health.

What can you eat to support your digestive system?
Poor quality foods due to nutrient-depleted soil, the extensive use of chemicals and longer transportation and storage times, all contribute to poor nutrient absorption.
A lack of fresh whole foods, and the overconsumption of heavily processed and low nutrient-dense foods, has led to complications for our digestive system and has left us needing more support than ever before.
A wholesome and healthy diet, inclusive of fresh, wholesome, plant-based foods, and plenty of clean water is essential in order to ensure optimum health.
There is a huge range of common digestive issues that people face each day, from indigestion and food allergies to bloating and dysbiosis. Many of these challenges are obvious, but there are also many of which we are not fully aware.
If you are seeking additional holistic support for your digestive health, herbal teas offer an enjoyable and accessible option, to add to your daily routine as they can provide support not only for the digestive system but for the entire body. Our Digestive tea has been designed to offer support for the digestive system and is based on certified organic and caffeine-free herbs.

Why is tea good for digestion?
Herbal tea offers a combination of natural herbs which have traditionally been used to help heal the digestive tract, reduce inflammation and support healthy digestive processes.
Herbal tea provides the opportunity for us to bring these herbs into our diet each day, not only providing us with an enjoyable ritual but also potentially offering many therapeutic benefits.
The important thing to look for when choosing a herbal tea is that you choose a certified organic option. This will ensure that the tea hasn’t been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides, as these sprays will then be infused in your teacup or teapot and consumed.
By bringing a range of herbs into your diet, you are able to help support digestive function and work towards better health and optimum wellbeing.
You can find Love Tea at Flora & Fauna.

Which tea is good for digestion?
Love Tea offers a range of certified organic herbal tea blends, which have traditionally been used to support the digestive system. Our digestive tea includes Peppermint, ginger, licorice root, aniseed, lemon balm, fennel, and chamomile.
Some other teas we offer which may offer digestive support include:
The Love Tea range is Certified Organic, Fairly traded, completely biodegradable and hand packed in Melbourne. Shop the whole range of Love Tea at Flora & Fauna.