Shark Awareness Day 2022 | Top 4 Campaigns To Support Shark Conservation

Jul 08, 2022by Olivia - F&F

July 14th is Shark Awareness Day! Last year we spoke about the importance of sharks, the types of sharks found in Australian waters, and the threats that sharks face globally. This year, we wanted to highlight four incredible campaigns that are helping to protect and restore shark populations all over the world. Let’s dive in!

Give Flake A Break Shark CampaignGive Flake A Break Shark Campaign

Image: #GiveFlakeABreak / Shark Champions

HSI & AMCS’ Shark Champions | Supporting Policy Changes To Protect Sharks

Two major wildlife conservation organisations, Humane Society International (HSI) and the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS), have joined forces to form Shark Champions — a campaign to achieve policy changes and conservation outcomes for sharks and rays.

Individually, these two organisations have achieved so much for our precious sharks. Since 1997, HSI have nominated several marine species to be listed under federal conservation acts in order to guarantee their protection, and the AMCS has worked tirelessly to ban live shark finning and reduce the number of sharks caught in the Great Barrier Reef.

It's clear to see that Shark Champions are working!

Sea Shepherd Nets Out NowSea Shepherd Nets Out Now

Image: Sea Shepherd Australia

Sea Sea Shepherd Australia | Eliminating Lethal Nets & Drum Lines

For decades, Sea Shepherd has actively campaigned for the protection of sharks in Australia and beyond! Sea Shepherd’s Operation Apex Harmony is a campaign to defend, conserve and protect sharks from harm. 

This effort aims to combat the catching and killing of sharks by industrial fishing methods, and in Australia, Operation Apex Harmony is campaigning against Queensland and New South Wales’ lethal shark bite mitigation programs. 

These programs use outdated measures, which have little to no effect on the number of shark incidents. So instead, Sea Shepherd is promoting non-lethal shark safety measures like aerial drones, eco-barriers, personal protection devices, and better education for swimmers.

WWF Shark Awareness DayWWF Shark Awareness Day

Image: Iannis Giovos / WWF

WWF | Monitoring The Shark Fin Trade & Managing Fisheries 

World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest wildlife conservation non-profits in the world. WWF recognise that overfishing is one of the biggest threats to shark populations, especially with the use of open ocean longlines. 

Each of these longlines can be fitted with hundreds of hooks to catch masses of tuna and marlin, but the sharks that get caught up are often de-finned and discarded overboard. Gill nets, aka the “curtains of death”, kill indiscriminately. 

WWF is working through TRAFFIC — the world’s largest wildlife trade monitoring network — to regulate the trade in shark fins and meat and reduce market demand. WWF also works with 15 different countries on fisheries management, responsible trade, and responsible consumption.

Shark Conservation AustraliaShark Conservation Australia

Image: Shark Conservation Australia

Shark Conservation Australia | Public Outreach & Legal Advocacy

Shark Conservation Australia (SCA) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the welfare, protection and conservation of shark species worldwide. Considering that 100 million sharks are killed every year due to overfishing, habitat degradation, pollution, climate change, and various other reasons — SCA advocates for shark protection. 

To do this, SCA prioritises public education and outreach by attending festivals, market stalls, expos and film screenings, as well as sharing helpful information on their website.

SCA have been instrumental in several legal campaigns  — such as 'Fin Free Sydney' and 'Fin Free NSW' — and policy changes introduced in the NSW Upper House to outlaw the consumption, use and sale of shark fin product or derivatives.

To mark Shark Awareness Day, will you support any of these impactful campaigns? These four organisations are working tirelessly to protect Australian shark populations and achieve policy changes to guarantee their protection. 

For more incredible facts and resources about sharks, head to our Eco News category and check out the blogs below.

It’s Shark Awareness Day!

The UK Announces Ban On The Shark Fin Trade!

World Ocean Day | One Ocean, One Climate, One Future — Together

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